Compliance Inquiry

Thank you for your input.

Mekong Capital is committed to the highest standards of professional integrity and fiduciary responsibility. The interests of our funds come before the interests of Mekong Capital or the interests of our employees.

Mekong Capital maintains a Code of Ethics, which is intended to minimize the risk of any conflicts of interest between our employees and the funds that we manage. For example, the Code of Ethics restricts employees from receiving commissions or other significant personal benefits in relation to any investment activies of our funds.

Mekong Capital actively maintains a Compliance Management Process, which includes detailed responsibilities for our compliance management function.

We welcome your input on any issues relating to the work-related conduct of our employees, potential conflicts of interest, risk factors relating to our investee companies, risk factors relating to Mekong Capital, and other complaints, concerns or other suggestions you may have relating to the business of Mekong Capital or the funds that it manages.

To submit your input, please fill-in the form below. Your input shall be addressed in a timely, careful, and confidential manner. However, we regret in advance that we cannot undertake to investigate anonymous and unsubstantiated complaints if to do so might prejudice the rights of our employees or would otherwise not be in the best interests of Mekong Capital or the funds that it manages.

Thank you for taking the time to provide your input.