Phan Ho Tan Phat
Our Team

Phan Ho Tan Phat


Lead Investment Scientist


Digital Transformation & Analytics


Ho Chi Minh City

A lost scientist’s quest for personal purpose

In 2020, the devastating arrival of Covid shattered Phat’s world, infusing it with sorrow and chaos. His U.S. visa expired, his cherished residence permit in Italy reached its bitter end, and his home country’s borders slammed shut. Trapped in an agonizing state of limbo, Phat became an isolated bird, drifting aimlessly without a nest to return to.

At a young age, Phat holds a Doctorate Degree in Philosophy in Accounting, Management, and Business Economics. Yet, despite his academic accomplishments, Phat felt a void within himself, a nagging feeling that something was missing. Now topped up by the shock of Covid, Phat embarked on a relentless quest for his true calling.

Phat’s path eventually crossed with Mekong Capital in May 2022, and initially, he held the notion that it would be yet another fleeting stop where he couldn’t truly find his place. However, little did he realize that this crucial encounter would spark the start of a profoundly transformative phase in his life. Unlike other private equity firms, Mekong Capital shone brightly by placing vision at the forefront. It created an exceptional environment where individuals could align their personal purpose with the company’s vision.

The profound self-discovery

As an investment scientist, Phat offers business insights through hypothesis testing, data inference, prediction, and optimization. His primary focus is to support decision-making processes and help the company and its investee companies achieve their vision.

Within two months of joining, Phat became consumed by the question of determining what is truly “right” or “wrong” and sought to prove his conclusions through data analysis. However, he found himself plagued by doubts about the nature of “rightness.” This confusion left him feeling incomplete, despite his ability to provide answers based on his analyses. It was during this time that Phat discovered the concept of the “meaning-making machine” within human beings at Mekong Capital.

Phat underwent a profound shift in his perspective. Also thanks to the course of Landmark Forum that Mekong offered, he learned to distinguish between facts and the interpretive stories we weave around them—stories that are often colored by our subjective experiences:

“I held the belief that my work revolved solely around data, which inherently represented undeniable facts. However, I come to the realization that, as a human being, I possessed an immense treasure trove of countless stories within my mind, all intricately woven around that very same fact.”

With this newfound discovery, he has the power to create possibilities in his life and take ownership of his own narrative. Phat also realized that his doubts regarding his identity and his longing for acceptance from a specific place were all narratives he had created within his own mind.

The scientist finally found his personal purpose at Mekong

Amidst his personal evolution of self-identifying, Phat uncovered the simple key to his self-purpose.

True fulfillment came when he could bring genuine value to others, helping them realize something impactful that they had not known before—a new vision, a piece of knowledge, or a transformative viewpoint. Opening doors of possibility within someone’s mind brought him an indescribable sense of satisfaction. He no longer needed to seek validation or fulfillment from external sources; he realized that his own actions held the power to fulfill his own purpose.

Phat’s role as the Investment Scientist at Mekong Capital provided him with the perfect platform to merge his passion for scientific evidence and his quest for personal fulfillment. He delved into the realm of Vision Driven Investing, a framework that could unlock breakthroughs in business and investment performance. Phat’s analytical prowess, combined with his deep understanding of statistical models, data analysis techniques, and economic principles, enabled him to provide invaluable insights to Mekong Capital and its investee companies.

The enlightened scientist

The once-lost scientist had been enlightened, embracing his newfound understanding. His joy and fulfillment stemmed from bringing value to others, sharing his insights, and helping them realize their untapped potential. Phat understood that self-fulfillment was not something to be sought externally but rather something to be cultivated from within.

One of Phat’s significant contributions was his white paper for Mekong Capital on Vision Driven Investing – A Reliable Framework for Breakthrough In Investment Performance. Besides, he conducted meticulous research and analysis, identifying specific content within vision statements that significantly increased the likelihood of a company achieving its vision. His findings guide companies toward crafting powerful and impactful visions that propelled them toward success.