Investment team Ashley Trang Pham cover
Our Team

Ashley Trang Pham


Investment Director


Value Creation


Ho Chi Minh City

Ashley was born and raised in Hanoi, Vietnam. Curiosity started to spark when she enrolled in Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted, where for the first time, she was introduced to an environment that encourages self-discovery and “freedom to choose”. Given the opportunity, Ashley chose to discover leadership, sustainability, and ballroom dancing. Also because of curiosity, Ashley applied to colleges in the States without much planning ahead – she just wanted to see how lives look like on the other side of the globe.

Her curiosity fosters her self-development.

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Enrolled in The University of Texas at Dallas at 17, Ashley was faced with the challenge of being in a new country and a new culture. But that challenge was also an opportunity for her to discover the power of personal growth and self-development. She supported herself through college with multiple part-time jobs and internships, from serving a pho restaurant, to a tax intern for a wealth management firm, to a tax preparer. Through all of that, she grew as a person and gained a better understanding about what she wants and what she does not want in her career. Being ever more curious to see the world, Ashley enrolled herself in two study-abroad semesters, one in Nanjing, China and one in Vienna, Austria.

Graduated from college, Ashley started her full-time job at Wisniewski Wealth Management, a boutique wealth management firm in Dallas, Texas. Within 2 years, Ashley successfully achieved the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and Enroll Agent (EA) certificates, and became a Financial Advisor. Her life was stable and peaceful, but deep down she knew something was missing. She did not feel that her work was creating impact where it matters.

The question of how her work impacts the community doesn’t leave her mind.

In her mind, the 2014 spring semester that she spent in Nanjing, China, kept coming up. It was her first trip back to Asia after 3 years, Ashley was both impressed with how Asia has developed, and kept seeing areas where she could add value and create impact. 4 years later, in 2018, she made her second trip back to Asia, this time was her first time ever in Ho Chi Minh City. She still could not pinpoint what it was, whether it was a brand new vibrant city in her home country, the friendly and happy people, the excitement in the air, or the huge transformation that the city was resilience and is still going through, but Ashley decided to leave everything behind and move to Ho Chi Minh City in November 2019.

After more than a year of moving to Ho Chi Minh City, Ashley learned how to be an adult in her home country and spending her days building financial models for to predict stock movement on the exchanges. However, the question of how her work impacts the community around her doesn’t leave her mind. Ashley wanted a career that directly makes a difference for people in her community.

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Ashley is working with Mekong Capital’s investee company.

Ashley wanted to spend her time making Vietnam an undeniably great place to live.

And the universe answered her. After two quick conversations with Mekong Capital, Ashley signed up to be in the Investment team. Every day, she came to work to fulfill her personal purpose: to create a ripple effect that improves the living standard and quality of life of all employees, customers, and stakeholders of Mekong’s investees. Ashley is at Mekong Capital to make Vietnam an undeniably great place to live.

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