Mekong Capital appointed the fifth Partner

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Mekong Capital appointed the fifth Partner

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam  (20 July 2022)  Mekong Capital is pleased to announce the appointment of MAX-F. SCHEICHENOST as Partner, along with 4 current Partners, Chris Freund, Chad Ovel, Truong Dieu Le and Nguyen Thi Minh Giang. Max will focus on Digital, Technology and Growth.

Max joined Mekong Capital in 2020 as Director of Digital Transformation. In his capacity, he successfully built a high-performing team consisting of 5 experts in the areas of Digital Transformation, Digital Workplace, Customer Experience, and Business Intelligence.  He was also the coach for Mekong Capital’s investee companies to discover the power of Vision-Driven Investing, consistently causing them to generate a variety of breakthrough results.

“I recently heard the quote, ‘there is no ME without YOU’ so I feel thankful for the great support of our Founder,s/CEOs, Investors and Employees. My personal highlights include observing the personal transformation of some leadership team members that achieved results that they previously thought were impossible to achieve.

Now as a Partner of Mekong Capital, I clearly see the interdependence of operating at such a high level of performance. I’m committed to building a sustainable high-performance team & organization by being a role model of our Core values and giving our employees the space to fulfill their personal purposes while performing at Mekong Capital”, Max shared.


Chad Ovel, Partner of Mekong Capital said:

“Max is a strong leader who focuses his boundless energy on ensuring the success of Mekong Capital’s investee companies.  His promotion to Partner is a clear acknowledgment of the tremendous value he has brought to Mekong Capital since he joined 2 years ago.”

Chris Freund, founding Partner of Mekong Capital also commented:

“In the last 2 years, Max has built up a world-class digital transformation team within Mekong Capital, elevated our Business Intelligence systems in ways that have contributed significantly towards our performance, and has led a project that has successfully validated through data science the correlation between the Vision Driven Investing framework and the performance of our investee companies. Furthermore, Max and his team had a significant impact on the rollout of digital transformation, agile, business intelligence, and customer-driven mindset across our portfolio companies. Max is providing the leadership expected of a Partner, and I’m delighted to welcome Max to be our Partner in the fulfillment of Mekong Capital’s vision.”

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